KEN KIM과 함께 배우는 골프 제6화

Submitted byeditor on목, 07/06/2017 - 08:26

[하이코리언뉴스/편집국]= Most Effective Exercises for Junior Golfers

If you’re a parent getting your kid into golf, you need to get them started in the gym as well, not lifting heavy weights, but performing some basic exercises, before a young athlete is able to progress to the next level he/she have the basic movement skills down.  These workouts are focused on core stability, which will help junior golfers master the “fundamental movements” necessary to make an athletic golf swing.  


Push-up exercise for upper body strength and core stability. How to perform: Place your hand on the pad or bench and align your hands with your chest.  Bend your elbows to maintain neutral alignment of the spine and engage your abs and glutes.  If you have trouble going all the way, limit your range of motion to halfway and work your way down.  Good upper body strength is needed to create good acceleration and deceleration of the torso your golf swing.  A more stabilized core allows for better rotational speeds.  This is good for all levels of athletes, and you can modify foot position (stand closer) to make it more difficult.


bottle Squat

Water bottle Squat exercise will help a triple flexion, unilateral or single-leg exercise to increase core stability and improve balance.  How to perform: Grab a water bottle(full) and extend arms at chest level, Stand on one leg, squat on your single leg as far down as you can go while maintain good control of movement.  This exercise will help balance, stability, weight transfer and power. 

주니어 골퍼에게 가장 효과적인 운동

만일 당신이 골프를 하는 자녀를 둔 부모라면, 어린 운동 선수가 다음 단계로 나아 가기 전에 기본적인 운동 기술을 가지려면 무거운 무게를 들지 않으면서도 베이직 훈련으로 구성된 운동을 시작하기 위해 체육관으로 데려갈 필요가 있습니다.  이운동은 주니어 골퍼가 운동학적 골프 스윙을 만들기 위해 필요한 "기본 동작"을 마스터하는 데 도움이 되는 코어 안정성에중점을 둡니다.


  1.  인클라인드 푸쉬 
    상체 강도와 코어 안정성을 위한 푸시 - 업 운동.
    수행 방법: 패드 또는 벤치에 손을 대고 가슴 위치에 손을 맞춥니다. 척추의 중립적인 정렬을 유지하고 복근과 둔부가 함께하도록 팔꿈치를 구부립니다. 만일 이 방법으로 문제가 발생하면 모션 범위를 중간으로 제한하고 진행하십시오. 좋은 상체강도는 몸통의 좋은 가속과 감속을 만드는 데 필요합니다. 더 안정화 된 코어는 더 나은 회전 속도를 가능케합니다. 이것은모든 레벨의 운동 선수에게 좋으며 발의 포지션을 바꿔 서(더 가까이 다가 서서) 더 힘들게 만들 수 있습니다.
  2.  물병 스쿼트
    물병 스쿼트 운동은 코어 안정성을 높이고 밸런스를 향상시키기 위해 삼중 굴곡 운동, 한 편의 운동 또는 한쪽 다리운동을도와줍니다.
    수행 방법: 물병 (전체)을 잡고 가슴 높이로 팔을 펴십시오. 한쪽 다리로 서서 다른 한쪽 다리 움직임의 조절을 잘 유지하며한쪽 다리로 스쿼트 하십시오.  이 운동은 밸런스, 안정성, 체중 이동 및 파워에 도움이 될 것입니다.

