KEN KIM과 함께 배우는 골프 제4화

Submitted byeditor on금, 05/12/2017 - 21:44

Mental Golf game 체육관에 가서 필라테스를 하고 요가를 하고 수백개의 크런치를 하는 것은 유연하고 독특하고 탄탄한 기본기로 낮은 스코어를 만드는데 필수적인 정신적 훈련과는 아무런 관련이 없습니다.


# 1 = 강인한 정신력 (STRENGTH)

압박이 많이 오는 가장 중요한 그러한 상황에서 맞서 싸우는 힘을 가진 강한 정신력을 가진 선수로는 잭 니클라우스와 타이거 우즈가 유명합니다. 그러한 스포트라이트 안에서 편안 해져야 한다고 어른들은 말씀하셨습니다.

"자신 스스로 짧은 퍼트를 그냥 집어 올리지 말아라!"는 좋은 습관이 될 것입니다.

압박에 순응하고 그것을 받아들이세요. 당신 스스로 그 상황을 만들어 연습해야 합니다. 제가 처음 골프를 배울 때, “누군가가 너를 기다리고 있더라도 모든 짧은 퍼팅을 넣어야 한다!”고 부모님께서는 조언하셨습니다. 모든 샷들을 그렇게 연습하면 실제로 그 상황이 되었을 때 당신은 그것을 더 잘 칠수 있는 준비가 될 것입니다.

# 2 = 유연한 정신력 (FLEXIBILITY)

당신의 몸이 유연해야 하는 것처럼 마음도 유연함이 필요합니다. 대부분의 성공적인 선수들은 항상 다른 코스와 조건 등에 유연하게 적응합니다. 그들은 창조적으로 생각하고 그러한 상황들을 있는 그대로 받아들입니다. 비제이 싱이 오거스타에서 억수 같이 내리는 비가 그를 괴롭혔는지 물었을 때 그는 "단지 비가 내릴 때만"이라고 대답했습니다.

클럽을 선택할 때도 당신이 벙커에 있다고 해서 샌드웨지를 선택해야만 하는 것이 아닌 것처럼 멘탈적 유연성이란 마음을 열어 두는 것을 의미합니다.

창조적인 사고력을 기르기 위해서는 한 클럽을 가지고 연습 그린 주변에서 높은샷 낮은샷 부드러운샷 강한샷 그리고 드로우와 페이드등 여러 종류의 샷들을 해보십시오. 그리고 다음 번에는 가방에 있는 모든 클럽을 이용해 한가지 샷을 선택해 연습하십시오.

Mental Golf game

Hit the gym, do Pilates, do yoga, a million crunches.  It has nothing to do with mental fitness, a soundness of the physique that’s as vital to low scores as a flexible unique and solid fundamental.  



Nicklaus and Tiger are famous for it.  Mental toughness performing when it matters most. It’s having the strength to stand up to pressure, “Parent says, and being comfortable in that spotlight.  Good habit will be “Don’t give yourself gimmes “

To get acclimated to pressure, embrace it.  Put yourself under it.  For starters, Parent recommends putting every short putt, even if someone is waiting behind you.  “Act like every shot matters, and you’ll be more ready to hit it when it really does.”


Your mind needs to be as flexible as your body.  The most successful players adapt to different courses and conditions.  They think creatively and accept things as they come.  When Vijay Singh was asked if an Augusta downpour bothered him, he replied, “Only if it’s just raining on me.”

Options of your club selection.  Mental flexibility means keeping your mind open.  “Just because you’re in the bunker doesn’t mean it’s a sand wedge “To cultivate creative thinking, take one club and work around the practice green, hitting many kinds of shots. Like a high, low, soft, hard, draw, fade.  The next time around, choose just one shot and practice hitting it with every club in your bag.