서울 "아름다운 연등축제"... Lotus Lantern Festival

Submitted byeditor on화, 04/19/2016 - 08:14

부처님 오신 날

음력 4월 8일은 부처님께서 이 땅에 오신 날로 전국의 사찰에서는 등을 밝혀 부처님의 지혜와 자비를 전하고, 부처님의 탄생을 축하하는 의식을 거행한다.

5월7일~9일 연등축제


1300여 년 전, 신라시대에 시작되어 고려 연등회와 조선 관등놀이를 거쳐 오늘날까지 이어지고 있는 전통축제로 중요무형문화재 제122호다. 등불을 밝혀 마음과 세상을 밝히는 연등회 축제로 세계인을 초대한다.

Buddha's Birthday

The 8th day of the 4th lunar month is the Buddha’s Birthday. Temples nationwide light lanterns to symbolically transmit the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha. They also perform ceremonies in celebration of his birth.

 Lotus Lantern Festival

The Yeon Deung Hoe Festival originated in the Silla era more than 1,300 years ago. It has since been passed down through the Goryeo era, the Joseon era (where it was called “Palgwan Hoe”), and is still an annual tradition today. This traditional festival is designated Korea’s Important Intangible Cultural Property No. 122. By lighting lanterns at the Yeon Deung Hoe Festival, participants brighten their own hearts as well as the world. People flock to South Korea from all over the world to attend this festival.
